Key Insights
Production capacity2GW cells + 2GW modules
Investment (€)€520 millions in CAPEX
Nº new jobs to be generated1065 workers
Date of Launch2nd half 2023
Date of starting production2nd half 2024

“The Eguzki Project has been conceived with the firm purpose of creating strong value though our core values: sustainability, operational excellence, high technology innovation, and commitment with local development. It will contribute to the European reindustrialization of a strategic industry with exponential growth potential around the world and critical for the European Union, the solar energy.”
Matias Alonso | Pedro Luis UriarteBieki Solar Energy / Executive Vice Chairman | Bieki Solar Energy / Chairman

Creation of an industrial company, (Bieki Solar Energy), with headquarters and two plants in Bizkaia, for the manufacturing of photovoltaic cells and modules, with EU state of the art technology and manufacturing standards to prove high efficiency and reliable products. Additionally, will add an implementation energy solutions company for C&I customers and a specialized business for new photovoltaic developments and applications. |

Scaling up PV Projects: 30 GW of Solar Manufacturing Capacity
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